The term “Program” is a term used by the League of Women Voters to denote policy issues that are proposed for study with the goal of reaching a consensus on a position or a concurrence with a position of another League. In addition, the purpose of having a local Program is to educate and empower citizens to be more civically engaged in our democracy.  Yearly, League members will identify and study one-to-three issues important to the local community and will then set relevant advocacy and action priorities.

Local Program Priorities


The Education Position underwent a major revision during 2023 and 2024.  After considerable study, research and input from League members, the revised Position was adopted at the LWVSNM Annual Meeting on April 13, 2024.  Click here to read the new Position and its Addendum.  The League’s Education Committee is chaired by Eileen VanWie.  You can contact her to get involved with the committee.


In 2024, the Affordable Housing Position underwent revision.  You can read it here.  You can also review the study that preceded the Position’s adoption:  “Beneficial Electrification and Affordable Housing Study.”  The LWVSNM Affordable Housing Committee continues to monitor the activities of affordable housing providers in the community, advocates for increases in the amount of such housing including working to identify funding sources, advocates for appropriate changes in city ordinances, and educates the public about housing issues.

Affordable Housing is chaired by Vice-President Beth Bardwell. Contact Beth to serve on the LWVSNM Affordable Housing Committee.


The LWVSNM Library Position will be undergoing an update in 2024/2025.  One of the changes under consideration is to expand the scope of the Position to allow for support and advocacy for rural libraries, in addition to Las Cruces’ Branigan Memorial Library.  There is a committee that is studying the issues connect with libraries.  The Library Committee is chaired by Past-President Kathy Brook; contact her if you’d like to be involved.

Read the League’s Position Statements which includes additional information about Branigan Library.

Other Areas of Interest


One of the core activities within LWVSNM is Voter Services.  The year-round work provides support for VOTE411, a web-based Voter Guide that provides citizens with voting information and profiles about candidates running for office.  The LWVSNM also prints Voter Guides in English and Spanish during General election seasons.  Plus, the League sponsors candidate forums, and provides voter information over social media, in flyers, and at events throughout the community.

The Chair of the Voter Services Committee is Kathe Kanim. Several volunteers are regularly needed throughout the year for this committee.  Contact Kathe if you can assist in any way.


LWV members and others throughout Southern New Mexico can benefit from a better understanding of how county government works.  In particular, counties play a significant role in addressing the needs of under-served rural populations. Hold at least one meeting to discuss how we might approach this topic in a longer-term study.

Read the League’s Position Statements which includes County Government


LWVSNM is an organization fully committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policymakers to strengthen democracy. A strategic action plan is being developed with a vision that seeks to prevent and reduce poverty in order to develop a well-functioning democracy. This includes increasing diversity in LWVSNM membership related to ethnicity, age, and needed skills. Advocating for economic and income equity through a variety of elements, such as education, health care, living wages, and job opportunities, is essential to reach the vision goal.